It’s vital for Hydro Group that our lockdown exit strategy is as robust as our workflow restructuring protocols for social-distancing. We need to consider the full-time return of our staff and how that fits into our new workflow, while addressed employee safety and wellbeing. We will be addressing many issues including, business development, sales, manufacturing productivity, profit and loss, general workforce morale and employee mental health.
We’ve become more reliant on technology during the lockdown, and to some degree, it's made us rethink the ways in which we undertake daily communications and business. Microsoft Teams, Zoom, WhatApp video conferencing and even FaceTime has seen us communicating to clients, prospects and suppliers around the world. This technology is not here to replace other important functions, it’s here to enhance those functions longterm, as part of our restructuring process and lockdown exit strategy. Ironically, this historic period is an opportunity for many companies, we can make greater use of video conferencing technology and Apps to achieve more flexible relations, sales, service, and support to global customers. Technology has been truly resilient amid the pandemic.
Hydro Group is rethinking how to introduce greater virtualisation into many aspects of its business, such as staff training, business development, we are even considering a video-conferencing facility so that clients can walk around our manufacturing facility from their office space. Clearly, Hydro Group won’t revert back to its old ways after this period, we will harness what we have learned. Social-distancing and lockdown will visit us again, and we all need to be more prepared, more flexible, and more robust.